The present Website “” is launched with the aim to help the community living in and around Delhi on real time basis in their search for suitable bride and groom for their sons and daughters.
2. The website is the project of the Guru Ravidas Samaj Panchayat, a society registered under the Societies Registration Act is a two tier organization/system. The society has established a Panchayat (here in after referred to as Kendriya Panchayat) to be known as ‘Guru Ravidas Samaj Panchayat’ with its branches at locality level to be known as Basti Panchayat mainly aiming striving for brother hood and for that purpose identifying the people of the Jatav caste and to motivate them for undertaking social welfare activities. In short, the Panchayat offers a social platform, where community people can work together to endorse their social arena. Registered office of the Panchayat is located in Delhi and its address is No. 510, Village and Post-Badli, Delhi.
3. As mentioned Guru Ravidas Samaj Panchayat, Delhi is a two tier organization i.e. Kendriya Panchayat and its Sthaniya/Basti (local) Panchayats. The Kendriya Panchayat is striving to ensure that at each and every locality of where there are at least 100 to 200 families there should be a Basti Panchayat. In areas where there is no cluster of the caste population like the DDA localities or Government Colonies efforts are in place to motivate and convince the people of those areas to associate themselves with the nearby Basti Panchayats. However, if people of some area want to form Basti Panchayat for their own locality/colony the Kendriya Panchayat would allow them to do so subject to the idea that at least there should be a scope for 100 to 200 families to make it workable.
4. As on date the Panchayat publishes its quarterly newsletter ‘Ravi Darpan’ which acts as a medium to communicate with the members of the community. ‘Ravi Darpan’ as of now is published and circulated amongst the people free of charge.
5. One of the aims of the Panchayat is to help the community in their search for suitable matches for their sons and daughters of marriageable age and in that context it has been organising Parichaya Sammellans also which is found to be of very limited use and hence to help the community in a big way, the Panchyat has launched the Website in hand.
To know more about Guru Ravidas Samaj Panchyat, its parent Website “” can be accessed.